World Animal Protection UK
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The British Fashion Council has announced a ban on wild animal skins at future London Fashion Week events...
Rescued from a slaughterhouse in South Africa, pig artist Pigasso was given a second chance at life.
Luxury fashion brands often market animal skins as symbols of glamour and wealth, but the truth behind these...
Rebecca Grove
Fashion has always been a platform for self-expression and a form of art, but it’s time to rethink...
Feathers in fashion are often seen as symbols of elegance and luxury, but the real cost behind them...
Behind the glamorous façade of the fashion industry lies the harsh reality that millions of wild animals endure...
Fashion serves as a powerful channel for self-expression but sadly, many people remain unaware of the suffering and...
Charlotte Regan
This February’s London Fashion Week (LFW) marked a very special milestone in our Wildlife. Not Fashion campaign as,...
This year, the British Fashion Council is celebrating the 40th anniversary of London Fashion Week (LFW), one of...
The mob wife aesthetic is the first major social media fashion trend of 2024 with over 50 million...
Peter Kemple Hardy
Millions of wild animals are exploited and slaughtered every year for the profits of fashion brands. Our industry...