Asiatic black bears

Make a difference for bears

Donate for bears

You can help bring an end to the bear bile industry sparing bears a lifetime of suffering.

A bear is laying down in a cage, looking out between the bars.

Donate £3

£3 a month can help our work to monitor captive bears in bear bile facilities.

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Donate £6

£6 a month can help raise awareness of herbal and synthetic alternatives to reduce demand for animal products such as bear bile.

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A World Animal Protection member of staff looking at a caged bear. The member of staff is wearing a WAP branded t-shirt.

Donate £8

£8 a month can help our work with governments and communities to end the use of wildlife products in traditional medicine.

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You can protect bears from extreme pain and suffering

Across Asia, thousands of bears are locked up in farms where bile from their gallbladders is harvested using brutal, excruciating procedures.

Bear bile is big business. It’s used in traditional medicine, and for luxury products including wine, soda and tonics.

Bears are held in filthy, cramped cages and their bile is painfully extracted again and again. It’s a living nightmare. Some bears endure this torture for decades before their abused bodies finally give out.

This horrific industry is totally unjustified. There are cheap synthetic and herbal alternatives to bear bile that could be used instead.

Together, we can shut down brutal bear bile farms. We’re working with partners to expose the cruelty bears endure, monitor their welfare and get better legal protection.

Will you start a monthly gift to help stop the bear bile trade and save thousands of bears from a lifetime of suffering?

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Rescuing bears in Vietnam

One of the bears at Vu Van Hien (Thai Thuy) farm on day one of the rescueOne of the bears rescued

We helped rescue nine bears from bile farms in south Vietnam, where they had been locked in tiny cages for 17 years.

After so long trapped in terrible conditions, the bears were small and weak. They’ll spend the rest of their lives in a sanctuary, free from cruelty and suffering.

Bear bile extraction has been illegal in Vietnam for almost two decades. But farmers are still allowed to keep bears as pets, which can be used to cover up bile farming.

The rescue shows just what’s possible. All three farms’ owners agreed to give the bears up voluntarily after tireless work to persuade them.

Now, we’re one step closer to a bear bile-free Vietnam. Since 2005, the number of bears on farms has fallen by an incredible 93%, to less than 314.


The power of your kindness

When you start a monthly donation, you’ll join a passionate group of supporters who are determined to change the world for animals. World Animal Protection is working hard to:

  • Stop wild animals being cruelly abused, exploited and used for medicine, products, pets and entertainment.
  • End factory farming and build a sustainable food system that gives animals a life worth living.

Start a monthly donation now

Wild black bear in nature from

Why your gift matters

We know times are tough for everyone. Many people simply can’t afford to give right now, so your donation will mean so much. If you can spare even a few pounds a month, your kindness will help keep our vital work going and make a huge difference for animals worldwide. A regular gift is the most cost-effective way you can donate. It saves us money in admin costs, so more of your generous gift goes towards ending animal suffering.

Start a monthly donation now

Want to know more? 

World Animal Protection is the global voice for animals. 
We’re respected for our knowledge and expertise. And we’re building a movement of millions of people determined to end animal cruelty and suffering. 

Read more about our work, how we are run and how your money is spent.

We will use your donation where the need is greatest to protect animals, like those featured in this appeal, from cruelty and suffering.