World tourism day

Today is World Tourism Day


Embrace the post-lockdown travel opportunity to make a lasting impact on wild animals. Join us in creating positive change. Together, let's protect and preserve the beauty of wildlife for future generations.

World Animal Protection is committed to ending animal suffering within wildlife tourism and has already convinced over two hundred and twenty travel companies to stop promoting this cruel trade. 

World tourism day

Animal friendly

Ultimately, the power lies in all our hands. With a little planning and research, we can refuse to engage in cruel wildlife tourism, such as seeing captive dolphins or riding elephants, and actively seek out wildlife-friendly alternatives. Together we can all help put an end to this animal cruelty and change lives forever.

See our 2021 guide to your animal friendly holidays here.

Image credits: World Animal Protection

You can protect animals on your holidays by being informed and alert to the welfare of the wild animals you encounter.

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