A caged civet cat at a Luwak coffee farm in Tampaksiring, Bali, Indonesia

PM must back a wildlife trade ban to help prevent a future coronavirus


We are leading a new coalition of leading animal protection and wildlife groups, Campaign to End Wildlife Trade, calling on Boris Johnson to back a global wildlife trade ban at the G20 meeting of global leaders in November to help prevent a future coronavirus.

With COVID-19 widely thought to have emerged at a wet market in Wuhan, where wildlife was sold alongside fresh meat, fruit and vegetables, and 70% of emerging infectious diseases coming from wild animals, it is critical everything is done to help prevent a future global pandemic.

A macaque at a market in Jakarta, Indonesia. Photographer Reference: Aaron Gekoski

86% of Brits would back a ban

Campaign to End Wildlife Trade is supported by 16 leading animal protection and wildlife conservation groups including World Animal Protection, Compassion in World Farming, Four Paws UK and Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting. 

New research by the group has already found that 86% of Brits would back a ban, a quarter would feel safer if wildlife trade ended (26%), 18% are more concerned about the trade since lockdown and over half (51%) were unaware of the scale of the legal trade of protected wild animals into the UK.

Wildlife globally has been packaged up and sold on an industrial scale so that animals are taken from their natural environments or commercially farmed, exposing them to stress and cruelty and creating a hotbed for disease. As we have seen with COVID-19, these diseases can then be transferred to humans.

COVID-19 is a wakeup call

Sonul Badiani-Hamment from World Animal Protection, said, “COVID-19 is a wakeup call for the world – and the case for a global wildlife trade ban has never been more urgent. SARS, Ebola and now COVID-19 are all widely believed to have passed from wildlife to humans.

“Boris Johnson and the UK government must provide global leadership in this public health and wildlife crisis and call for a wildlife trade ban at the G20 meeting of global leaders in November to help prevent future pandemics.”

Civet babies at a market in Jakarta, Indonesia. Photographer Reference: Aaron Gekoski

TV star and World Animal Protection wildlife ambassador, Alesha Dixon, has also pledged to support the campaign. Alesha said, "Bringing an end to the multi-billion-dollar wildlife trade has overwhelming public support and is something global leaders can do to help safeguard our future and the planet.

“This is an opportunity for the world to re-evaluate our relationship with wild animals. We need to stop seeing wildlife as a product and start treating wild animals with respect and compassion for a healthier, more positive and sustainable future for all."

Wild animals feel pleasure, fear and pain

As well as the public health and conservation risk, wild animals are sentient beings who feel pleasure, distress, excitement, fear and pain and they suffer immensely in the billion-dollar wildlife trade.

After being stolen from the wild they are stuffed into bags, taken to cramped and unsuitable holding pens and crammed into crates and shipped all over the world with most animals suffocating in the process.

A seized pangolin at the Natural Resources Conservation Center Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, in 2017. Photographer Reference: Arief Budi Kusuma

The global wildlife trade is fuelled by the demand for exotic pets, traditional medicine and the entertainment industry. Millions of wild animals including snakes, parrots, iguanas, lizards, tortoises, and even otters are captured each year for the exotic pet trade.

Wild animals are farmed for Traditional Asian Medicine such as bear bile which has ironically been recommended by the Chinese Government to treat symptoms for COVID-19.

The UK currently imports thousands of protected wild animals, including tortoises, pythons and monitor lizards, captured from the wild and legally imported into the UK each year, according to the group.

Follow our work

This year, our global petition to end the global wildlife trade reached hundreds of thousands of people around the world. We are calling on the UK government to secure a global wildlife trade ban and end the import and export of wild animals and wild animal products into the UK. 

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