January 2022 news

Animal welfare successes in January


How you helped us to support animal welfare around the world in January 2022.

Here are just five of the incredible things you helped to achieve. 

💊 You exposed factory farms for fuelling the superbug crisis in Brazil 

Our Brazil team launched the new 'Superbugs: in a river near you’ report, which presents results from the country’s water testing analysis in areas close to intensive pig factory farms. Findings reinforce the suspicions that intensive farming systems may be spreading bacteria in the environment and putting people’s health at serious risk.  

🐻 You convinced South Korea to end bear bile farming for good 

After almost 20 years of campaigning in partnership with Green Korea United, we moved the South Korean Ministry of Environment to end bear bile farming in South Korea. The joint agreement, signed last month with the Bear Farmers Association and key local animal protection organisations, sets out a commitment to prohibit bear bile farming and bile extraction from 1 January 2026.  

🐷 You called out UK authorities for investing in cruel factory farming 

Our UK team has produced the ‘A new front for divestment campaigning’ report, that revealed the stunning scale in which local authority pension funds invest in factory farming. We are calling on local authorities to divest money in their pension funds away from factory farming.  

🐯 You asked Gucci to stop glorifying captive tigers in their campaigns 

We have spoken out about Gucci using tigers in their latest campaign and urged the fashion brand to stop glorifying captive wild animals in all their campaigns. We also asked Gucci to issue a statement confirming they recognise that tigers belong in the wild. 

🐓You revealed how Australian pension funds don’t prevent animal cruelty investment 

Our Australia and New Zealand team’s new research has revealed that 90% of Australian pension funds don’t have a public policy that prevents animal cruelty investment. Our team evaluated 150 top superannuation (pension) funds and discovered that only 15 currently have animal welfare policies. 

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Thanks to your continued support, we were able to be the voice for the animals all over the world last month.

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