Factory farming is the biggest threat animals face, inflicting terrible cruelty on billions of animals across the world and money is fuelling this industry.
Factory farms pose an existential threat to people and the planet
Factory farms are a dangerous breeding ground for the next global pandemic, and drive environmental destruction, fuelling our climate crisis.
Banks have trillions of pounds tied up in companies that are linked to factory farming, like animal producers, feed companies, supermarkets, and restaurants. For too long, they have focused on short-term profits, with little thought for animal welfare or the long-term impacts of factory farming on climate, our environment, and our health. If a bank does not have a dedicated animal welfare policy this could mean that our money – our savings, our pension pots, our insurance premiums, and our bank deposits – are likely funding unspeakably cruel, industrial scale factory farming.
Of course, animal welfare is not the only big issue we need to think about. There are lots of policies that you need to consider when choosing a bank, including human rights, fossil fuels and weapons but our Banking on Welfare report ranks ten of the UK’s biggest banks on the often-overlooked criteria concerning the biggest animal welfare issues today, including factory farming.
Switching banks can feel like a big step, money plays a crucial role in our lives and the cost-of-living crisis has made this even more pressing. But switching banks can have a big impact on the issues we care about, ensuring our money is invested responsibly and according to our personal values. Doing some research to find the best fit for both your finances and the best policies is always needed.
Tell your bank to do better
Send a letter to your bank and tell them to put in a place a dedicated animal welfare policy to ensure animals get the best protection. It only takes 2 minutes.
If you would like to know more about switching to a more ethical bank here are some useful links:

The Ethical Consumer - ethical banking

Current Account Switch Guarantee - How to switch
Image credits: Hero: World Animal Protection | Further reading: Canva