Five elephants are standing in a row with people sitting on top of them. They have been fitted with red blankets and a seat structure on their backs, ready to take tourists for a ride.

Elephant rides at Amer Fort aren’t tourism, for 82 elephants like Rangoli, they’re torture.

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Behind the tourist facade at Amer fort in Japur, there are 82 overworked and exhausted elephants who are subjected to lives of crushing cruelty

Elephants like Rangoli endure daily torment, carrying heavy tourists up a gruelling cobbled climb in scorching temperatures exceeding 40 degrees.

Rangoli works tirelessly, enduring physical abuse and being exploited for entertainment. Even nights offer no respite as she walks 4km on burning tarmac to her concrete 'stables,' where she's chained, standing in filth, stealing moments of sleep before the cycle begins all over again.

We need your help to end this torture.

Two women are standing with their backs towards the camera looking at elephants roaming in the distance. They are wearing black and orange World Animal Protection t-shirts.

Donate £5

£5 can help end the cruel exploitation of Rangoli and other Amer Fort elephants by raising public awareness of the cruelty they experience everyday

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Two women are in a crowd, wearing World Animal Protection T-shirts and are holding up branded placards.

Donate £10

£10 could help urge the Indian Government to end elephant rides. We'll meet officials and organize rallies for a ban at Amer Fort.

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Donate £25

£25 could aid caretakers in finding alternative livelihoods, eliminating the need for exploiting elephants like Rangoli and fostering a sustainable future.

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Amer Fort in Jaipur, a UNESCO World Heritage site, hides a dark secret behind its picturesque tourist facade. Despite glossy brochures showing smiling tourists on decorated elephants, the reality for 82 elephants like Rangoli is one of immense suffering.

By donating today, you can help us to lobby the Rajasthan Government to develop a solution to retire the oldest and most vulnerable elephants to a designated sanctuary and fight for a permanent ban on elephant rides at Amer Fort.

Your generosity can help change the future for these elephants

We have already transformed two tourism venues, Following Giants and Changchill, into elephant friendly sanctuaries in Thailand.

Now is your chance to act and help end the torture of the 82 elephants at Amer Fort

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Two elephants carrying tourists on their backs

With your help, there’s real hope that we can end the torture of the 82 elephants suffering at Amer Fort. Please will you donate today?

Help elephants today

The suffering Rangoli has endured has been ongoing for 51 years. That is 51 years of pain, exhaustion, and suffering. No elephant should have to endure this torture. Together, we can ensure this is the last generation of elephants to suffer at Amer Fort.

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Elephants giving a performance in front of a large crowd of tourists at a wildlife venue in Thailand

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We will use your donation where the need is greatest to protect animals, like those featured in this appeal, from cruelty and suffering.