World Lion Day Celebration

Our policies

Social media guidelines

Our policies

Our online communities – including those on Twitter and Facebook – are for our supporters and like-minded people to come together. Read more on our community guidelines.

Cookies and privacy policy

our policies

Supporters like you help protect animals worldwide. We value your support, safeguard your data, and maintain transparency. Your support is so important.

Refund policy

Our policies

As a charity, World Animal Protection is dependent on donations. Read more on our refund policy.

Complaints policy

Our policies

We rely on kind supporters, people like you, to protect animals around the world. We want you to be happy and feel confident in how we work. That’s why we always want to hear your feedback.

Gifts in Wills policy

Our policies

We have a legal entitlement to any gifts left in Wills to our charity. We are accountable to the Charity Commission under Charity Law to ensure the money is received and used according to their charitable purposes.

Webinar privacy policy

Our policies

Your personal information belongs to you and we want you to feel in control of it. Here’s how you can exercise your rights.

SMS Terms and Conditions

Our policies

If you've donated to us or would like to donate via. SMS, please read our T&Cs here.